LXD Portfolio

Relationship-Optimized Communication

This project was inspired by a desire to enhance relationships, trust, and transparency in technology rich organizations. The target outcome is to work toward a common understanding of the impacts of various communication media on relationship-building within an organization. I began ideation in Miro to visualize key concepts and design features. Then, I used Adobe Captivate to develop an e-Learning module with examples, analysis, and scenario-based application exercises. It utilizes variables, non-linear navigation, and interactive feedback. Production also included cost-effective icons from the Noun Project.

Pandemic remote teaching

In the Spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced all teaching and learning in my school online. Due to already maintaining a technology rich blended learning environment, the transition was smooth using the PowerSchool Learning Management System, Office 365 collaborative applications including Teams and OneNote, PowerPoint for producing video lessons, and a variety of 3rd-party tools such as FlipGrid and Kidblog. We were able to maintain a high level of interaction and collaboration to preserve our social constructivist learning environment online. The experience inspired me to study instructional design more formally and developed my rapid content-development skills.

Introduction to Fanschool

To ensure adoption and efficacious use of new learning technologies, it has long been part of my practice to produce how-to videos and instruction manuals for my students. This video onboards learners to Fanschool, a student blogging platform. Made efficiently using MS PowerPoint exported to Stream and located in OneNote Class Notebook, students easily access and refer to this and other tutorials during their learning experience.